Take charge of your future
At Take Charge Learning, we have the experience and knowledge to create soft skills training programs suited to your organization’s interests or needs. Training on soft skills boosts productivity, makes complex tasks more efficient, improves employee engagement, and sees positive results in all key performance indicators.
For the Field Service Technician
Our program, for Field Service Technicians, delivers the soft skills training they need to achieve outstanding levels of customer satisfaction and increase sales and profitability through their actions.
For the New or Aspiring Leader
You want your new managers to be successful, and this program will give them the necessary tools and training to start them off right!
For People Leaders
There’s a powerful link between managers and engagement. Great managers inspire their teams to achieve crucial business outcomes such as higher productivity, increased profitability, lower turnover, and fewer unscheduled absences. However, few managers possess the natural talent to lead others. They need training and support.