How many hours do we spend at work a day? What about a week, month, year? When we’re spending on average 90,000 hours of our lives at work, the environment and people around us has a huge impact on our...
Every year, around the globe, companies spend a bunch of time and money on employee engagement surveys. They ask their employees all kinds of questions about how happy they are at work, how much they like what they do, and...
When employees are engaged, it’s easy to see the values and vision of their organization shining through their contributions, innovations, and dedication to their team. Clearly, these are very desirable traits to have in an employee.
When I look up the definition of performance management, I get a lot of things that sound like this: Performance management is defined as the process of continuous communication and feedback between a manager and employee towards the achievement of...
An inclusive culture is one where everyone feels values and respected as a person. I’ve put the emphasis on that word, everyone, because an inclusive culture is one that includes everyone, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, ability, religion, etc.
I’ve known for a long time now of the transformative power, on workplace culture, of training managers. Now, there’s research linking the power of managers, good or bad, to affect mental health.
If you’re a manager, you’re stuck in the middle—somewhere between senior leaders, employees who report to you (and maybe some that report to others), and customers. You have responsibility for, seemingly, everything, but sometimes limited decision-making authority.
Back in the day, I worked as the Pepsi Taste Challenge girl. Do you remember that? If you do, you’re kind of dating yourself (or does it still go on? maybe it does🤔).